About me

When I was in the 4th grade, the thought of becoming a professional athlete inspired the drawings my teachers would ask of us during our free time. I would have drawings of myself playing soccer for the biggest clubs in the world or several drawings of the Olympic rings. What started from drawings has now manifested itself; the journey has led me to become a professional Bobsleigh athlete – a sport that my friends, family, nor I would have ever thought I’d be in, but a sport that has grown on me.

The promise:

On September 25, 2009, my grandfather passed on my dad’s side. I remember sitting in my room after getting the news; I made a promise to myself. I promised I would pursue my dreams to the fullest not only to honor my grandfather but my family as well. They are my biggest why, and why I continue to push through the many obstacles I have faced. All that I am and all that I hope to be, I owe to my parents. Despite my setbacks, quitting has never been an option. This dream is bigger than me – I am no longer just doing it for myself, I am doing it for them.
